Thankfulness has proven to improve the overall quality of our lives in multiple areas, especially our mental
health. Here are some of the benefits.
Improves Mental Health
Increases Joy
Increase sleep quality
Increase feelings of happiness and wellbeing
Increase psychological well-being
Improve our self esteem
Increases spirituality
Enhance positive emotions
Reduces suicidal thoughts
Reduces anger and frustrations
Increase our energy
Increase your frequency of exercise
Develop a strong immune system (health)
Decrease blood pressure
Reduce and cope with negative stress
Eat healthier
Builds perseverance
Strengthen family relationships in times of stress
Increases optimism
Makes us more effective managers
Helps us to find meaning in our work
Reduce impatience and improve decision-making
Improve work-related mental health and reduce stress
Makes us more giving (to self and to others)
Increase productivity
Improve job performance
Become us more likable
Reach goals faster
Reduce negative emotions such as envy, hatred, jealousy and anger
Increase positive emotions such as love and empathy
Have deeper friendships
Is a blessing to you and those around you
Helps you to have a better life
Close your eyes and picture three people who made a difference in your life. Whether they are alive or not, think about them and how grateful you are that these people made an impact on you.
Send a positive, encouraging text to someone right now, thanking that person for something he or she has done for you.
Share something you are thankful for
7. (DeSteno, Li, Dickens, & Lerner, 2014)
8. (Lashani, Shaeiri, Asghari-Moghadam, & Golzari, 2012)
9. (DeSteno, Bartlett, Baumann, Williams, & Dickens, 2010)
10. (Urgesi, Aglioti, Skrap, & Fabbro, 2010)
11. (Amin, 2014)
12. (Chih-Che Lin, 2017)
(Hill, Allemand, & Roberts, 2013)
(Millstein, Celano, Beale, Beach, Suarez, Belcher, … & Huffman, 2016)
(Emmons & McCullough, 2003)
(Jackowska, Brown, Ronaldson, & Steptoe, 2016)
(Seligman et al., 2005)
(Dik, Duffy, Allan, O’Donnell, Shim, & Steger, 2015)